所有死者Todos os Mortos(2020)

又名:所有死去的人 / All the Dead Ones / All die Toten / 咖啡庄园的亡灵(台)

主演:Mawusi Tulani Clarissa Kiste C 

导演:塞塔诺·葛塔多 马可·杜特拉 



西虹影视为您提供2020年由Mawusi Tulani Clarissa Kiste Carolina Bianchi Thaia Perez Agyei Augusto 里诺尔·森微娜 Alaíde Costa Rogério Brito 托马斯·阿基诺 安德列娅·马克 Luciano Chirolli 特卡·佩雷拉 Gilda Nomacce Vinicius Meloni Eduardo Silva 图娜·德韦克 约翰·特伦戈夫 主演,塞塔诺·葛塔多 马可·杜特拉 导演的《所有死者》/原名《Todos os Mortos》/又名《所有死去的人 / All the Dead Ones / All die Toten / 咖啡庄园的亡灵(台)》电影在线观看,《所有死者》百度云网盘资源以及《所有死者》高清mp4迅雷下载,《所有死者》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:In Brazil, 1899, shortly after the abolition of slavery, the ghosts of the past still walk among the living. For the women of the Soares family, the task of giving up their privilege and adapting to a middle-class reality drives them to the brink of madness. For Iná Nascimento, a former enslaved woman, the struggle to reunite her loved ones in a hostile new world forces her to face the truth about herself. Between Brazil's troubled past and fractured present, these women feel the ground shifting beneath their feet as they try to create a future of their own.

