
又名:喜事一家亲 / 都市恋情 / All's Well, Ends Well 1997

主演:周星驰 Stephen Chow/黄百鸣 Bak-Ming Wong/吴镇宇 Francis Ng/乔宏 Roy Chiao/伍咏薇 Christine Ng/黎姿 Gigi Lai/吴倩莲 Chien-lien Wu/钟丽缇 Christy Chung/周华健 Emil Chau/李蕙敏 Amanda Lee/雷宇扬 Simon Lui/罗冠兰 Koon-Lan Law/杨宝玲 Pauline Yeung/张国荣 Leslie Cheung/泰迪·罗宾 Teddy Robin/罗家英 Kar-Ying Law/周文健 Michael Chow Man-Kin/何超仪 Josie Ho/彭丹 Diana Pang/江希文 Liz Kong/朱洁仪 Donna Chu Git-Yee/陈绮明

导演:张坚庭 编剧:黄百鸣 Bak-Ming Wong/谷德昭 Vincent Kok



西虹影视为您提供1997年由周星驰 黄百鸣 吴镇宇 乔宏 伍咏薇 黎姿 吴倩莲 钟丽缇 周华健 李蕙敏 雷宇扬 罗冠兰 杨宝玲 张国荣 泰迪·罗宾 罗家英 周文健 何超仪 彭丹 江希文 朱洁仪 陈绮明 主演,张坚庭 导演的《97家有喜事》/原名《97家有囍事》/又名《喜事一家亲 / 都市恋情 / All's Well, Ends Well 1997》电影在线观看,《97家有喜事》百度云网盘资源以及《97家有喜事》高清mp4迅雷下载,《97家有喜事》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

老先生(乔宏 饰)有三个儿子。老大老良(黄百鸣 饰)整天忙于工作而忽略了老婆贤淑(伍咏薇 饰),贤淑每天在家中打点,却遭到老公误会她红杏出墙。次子老非利用读书逃避到投身社会,个性单纯,向往爱情却遭到伤害,之到后来认识了从北方来的小莲(吴倩莲 饰)。适逢老三老恭生日,平日老恭作恶多端,生性风流,两个哥哥以买彩票为名作为礼物送给老恭,其实那本来是一张过期的中奖彩票,他信以为真,因此欠下了巨债。祸不单行的他撞车脑震荡,变得疯疯癫癫……
Plot Summary:Lo King, a dependent playboy, fakes his own mental illness in attempts to inherit the fortune of his two older brothers, Lo Leung and Lo Fei, who are plagued with their own troubles. Leung is a busy businessman who is planning to open a restaurant. Due to his busy schedule, he is putting his relationship at risk with his wife. Fei is a scholar who brings home a finance-troubled girl, Shenny, to arouse hatred in his father (in return with some money) so he can choose to marry his punkish girlfriend, whom his father detests. However, unbeknown-st to Fei, Shenny develops a crush on him.

