皇冠上的珍珠Les Perles de la couronne(1937)

又名:The Pearls of the Crown

主演:杰奎琳·德吕巴克 Jacqueline Delubac/萨卡·圭特瑞 Sacha Guitry/Lyn Harding/勒内·圣西尔 Renée Saint-Cyr/阿莱缇 Arletty/马塞尔·达里奥 Marcel Dalio

导演:萨卡·圭特瑞 编剧:Sacha Guitry



西虹影视为您提供1937年由雅克琳·德吕巴克 萨卡·圭特瑞 林恩·哈丁 勒内·圣西尔 阿莱蒂 马塞尔·达里奥 主演,萨卡·圭特瑞 导演的《皇冠上的珍珠》/原名《Les Perles de la couronne》/又名《The Pearls of the Crown》电影在线观看,《皇冠上的珍珠》百度云网盘资源以及《皇冠上的珍珠》高清mp4迅雷下载,《皇冠上的珍珠》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Three narrators (French writer Jean Martin, an English royal equerry, and a papal chamberlain) tell the story of seven matched pearls, four of them now in the British Crown. Episodes whirl us from Pope Clement VII to Mary Queen of Scots, from whom the pearls are stolen while she's occupied with the headsman. Historic events are seasoned with sly, satiric humor, and famous beauties are portrayed by stunning actresses. Then the narrators meet, and decide to try tracing the three unrecovered pearls from 1587 to the present...


日期 资源名称
2020-11-21 The.Pearls.of.the.Crown.1937.FRENCH.ENSUBBED.1080p.WEBR
2020-11-21 The.Pearls.of.the.Crown.1937.FRENCH.ENSUBBED.WEBRip.x26
2020-11-21 The.Pearls.of.the.Crown.1937.FRENCH.ENSUBBED.WEBRip.Xvi
2020-11-21 The.Pearls.of.the.Crown.1937.FRENCH.ENSUBBED.1080p.AMZN
