记忆的倒影Shadow Puppets(2007)

主演:Jolene Blalock/Tony Todd/James Marsters/Natasha Alam

导演:Michael Winnick 编剧:Michael Winnick



西虹影视为您提供2007年由乔琳纳·布拉洛克 托尼·托德 詹姆斯·马斯特斯 Natasha Alam 主演,Michael Winnick 导演的《记忆的倒影》/原名《Shadow Puppets》电影在线观看,《记忆的倒影》百度云网盘资源以及《记忆的倒影》高清mp4迅雷下载,《记忆的倒影》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

惨白寒冷的房间内,一个身着内衣的女人(娜塔莎·埃勒姆 Natasha Alam 饰)从昏迷中醒来。在这个既像监狱又像精神病院的房间里,她完全记不清自己姓氏名谁,来自何处,更不清楚自己为何会在这里。这令她分外恐慌,几近崩溃。不久,房门自动打开,她小心翼翼走出去,又先后遇到6名和她有着同样经历的男女。众人在这座阴森、恐怖的建筑内四处行走,期望找到能够证明身份的信息。在一间布满精密仪器的房间内,他们发现一个业已死亡的老者以及一台用来清除记忆的机器。而在此之前,机器已经使用过8次。   就在不久之后,第9个人神秘出现,而死亡也开始向他们袭来……
Plot Summary:A woman and a man awake in individual white cells in an abandoned prison or mental institution wearing only underwear and without any memory. They hear a strange and creepy noise and decide to look for a way out of the facility. They meet six other strangers in the same situation and one of them is attacked and killed by a shadow. While trying to escape from the place and the shadow, they find the brain washing apparatus with the indication that had been used eight times. When they meet the ninth stranger, they realize that one of them is lying and knows what have happened with them.

