森林谜案W głębi lasu(2020)

又名:森中谜(港) / 第43个秘密(台) / 神秘森林 / 诡秘树林 / 林中迷雾 / 森林迷案 / The Woods

主演:亚采克·科曼 阿格涅兹卡·格罗乔斯卡 采扎里·帕祖拉 格里高 

导演:莱泽克·道伊德 巴托斯·科诺普卡 


西虹影视为您提供2020年由亚采克·科曼 阿格涅兹卡·格罗乔斯卡 采扎里·帕祖拉 格里高兹·达米茨基 马格达莱娜·泽温斯卡 阿尔卡迪乌什·雅库比克 彼得·格洛瓦茨基 多萝塔·科拉克 伊瓦·斯基宾斯卡 亚当·费仁希 亚当·斯捷普尼基 艾萨贝拉·达布鲁夫斯卡 普泽米斯劳·布卢兹茨 亚当·威特兹恩斯基 主演,莱泽克·道伊德 巴托斯·科诺普卡 导演的《森林谜案》/原名《W głębi lasu》/又名《森中谜(港) / 第43个秘密(台) / 神秘森林 / 诡秘树林 / 林中迷雾 / 森林迷案 / The Woods》影视在线观看,《森林谜案》百度云网盘资源以及《森林谜案》高清mp4迅雷下载,《森林谜案》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Twenty years earlier, the Kopcinski family dealt with a horrific situation involving the woods surrounding a summer camp. Now, one of the original homicide victims has resurfaced--with a different name and hints that he survived. Pawel Kopcinski finds himself dragged back into the anguish of that dreadful evening. Not only did he lose his sister, he lost real connection with his parents, due to their grief. As he explores the widening mysteries, he is faced to confront hard truths about each and every person he has loved.

