

又名:不要哭,小原(港) / 小原别哭 / Naku na, Hara-chan / Don't Cry, Hara-chan

导演:菅原伸太郎 狩山俊輔 编剧:冈田惠和 Yoshikazu Okada

主演:长濑智也 麻生久美子 丸山隆平 忽那汐里 药师丸博子 贺来贤 




西虹影视为您提供2013年由长濑智也 麻生久美子 丸山隆平 忽那汐里 药师丸博子 贺来贤人 菅田将晖 清水优 稲川実代子 小松和重 甲本雅裕 奥贯薫 光石研 白石加代子 主演,菅原伸太郎 狩山俊輔 导演的《小原不哭》/原名《泣くな、はらちゃん》/又名《不要哭,小原(港) / 小原别哭 / Naku na, Hara-chan / Don't Cry, Hara-chan》影视在线观看,《小原不哭》百度云网盘资源以及《小原不哭》高清mp4迅雷下载,《小原不哭》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

在船丸水产工作的越前(麻生久美子 饰),是个不轻易表露自己想法的女生,她把她所有的情绪都发泄在了漫画里。在漫画里,她创造出了小原(长濑智也 饰)等人,在狭小的酒吧中,小原替她说出自己的想法:她不想同世界斗争,不会妨碍世界上的任何人,只希望安静的活着,希望世界上有她小小的容身之处就足够了。但这样渺小的想法也因为同事关系相处的不愉快而难以实现,每天情绪都不佳的越前让小原的世界也总是负能量满满。每天重复说悲观的话让小原众人渴望改变现状。   某个偶然的机会,生活在纸张里的小原找到了和现实世界相接的出口。他从纸张中一跃而出。展现在他眼前的是他从未看过的全新世界。于是他带着让创造出他们的神变得幸福的目标,开始了拯救女神的大作战,让眼泪变成了笑颜。
Plot Summary:Hara-chan is drunk at a cheap pub and blabbering. It is a daily occurrence. He is always vexed, but has neither the wisdom nor the courage to break it up. This is Hara-chan, the main character of the manga 'Nakuna, Hara-chan'. The illustrator of this manga is Echizen-san, a plain-looking lady who works at a fish paste factory. In place of a diary, she draws this comic strip in a notebook with all the pent-up resentment within her. This is the only outlet for Echizen-san who seems to have lost her passion for life. Then one day, a miracle happens. Hara-chan comes to the sudden realization that he is looking at the world for the first time. The sun's warmth, the rustle of wind, the twinkle of the stars. He has sprung out of the manga world and into the "real" world. In the "real" world, Hara-chan is in love with Echizen-san. Even if he is not a human in this "reality".
