幻海奇情 第一季7SEEDS(2019)

主演:东山奈央 福山润 小西克幸 泽海阳子 阿澄佳奈 石田彰 悠木 

导演:高桥幸雄 编剧:田村由美/待田堂子 Touko Machida

幻海奇情 第一季:剧情介绍

当他们骤然醒来,拯救人类的行动也随之展开!   为了避免人类灭绝,一群少男少女被选入「7SEEDS计划」,未知的命运却等在前方。   Netflix 与日本动画工作室 Gonzo 联手合作,为您带来这部发生在不久的将来的科幻动画。   Netflix 原创动画《7SEEDS 幻海奇情》将于 2019 年夏天上线,Netflix 独家!
Plot Summary:In the immediate future, a giant meteorite has collided with earth. All living organisms, including mankind, have been wiped off the face of the planet. The government, who had foreseen this outcome, took measures to counter the worst-case scenario. In particular was "Project 7SEEDS", in which five sets of seven young men and women were carefully selected and placed into teams (Spring, Summer A, Summer B, Autumn and Winter). Each participant was then put under cryogenic sleep in hopes of preserving the continued existence of mankind. When those men and women awoke, they found themselves suddenly thrust into a cruel world. While bereft and grieved over forever losing their loved ones, they sought to find ways to survive.

幻海奇情 第一季的影评列表

极光华彩 • 导演你着急回家吃饭吗?!

看完了……………我的幻海呀!那么感人的故事这里像赶场一样的演过了……心疼! 崩坏的画面,全员干净整洁