德古拉的房子House of Dracula(1945)


主演:朗·钱尼 (Lon Chaney Jr.) 约翰·卡拉丹  

导演:Erle C. Kenton 


《德莱库拉的房子》是美国的一部恐怖片。 《德莱库拉的房子》是《科学怪人之家》的续集,并继续将三个著名角色狼人、科学怪人和德拉库拉融合。
Plot Summary:Dracula arrives at Dr. Edelman's office asking for a cure to his vampirism. However, this is a ruse by Dracula to get near Dr. Edelman's beautiful female assistant and turn her into a vampire. Meanwhile, a sincere Lawrence Talbot, AKA the Wolfman, arrives seeking a cure for his lycanthropy. When Dr. Edelman's first attempt fails, Talbot tries to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff, but instead finds a network of underground caves where Frankensteins Monster is in stasis. Chaos ensues as the three monsters fight for dominance of each other.


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環球怪物 吸血鬼系列之一 演德古拉當然捨盧哥斯其誰 在31年經典面世後 出左2套分別以其son &