我们的新总统Our New President(2017)


主演:弗拉基米尔·普京 唐纳德·特朗普 

导演:Maxim Pozdorovkin 


Our New President (2017) is an archival documentary that explores the cult of Donald J. Trump through fake news and other methods of destabilized perception.
Plot Summary:The story of Donald Trump's election told entirely through Russian propaganda. By turns horrifying and hilarious, the film is a satirical portrait of Russian meddling in the 2016 election that reveals an empire of fake news and the tactics of modern day information warfare.


Pinko • 当民族主义的绝对正确性,成为一种黑色幽默

观影场次:MIFF墨尔本电影节2018 子弹理论 公关新闻学很老的一套理论,认为新闻媒体所发的信息,