Daughter of the Jungle(1949)



导演:George Blair 


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Daughter of the Jungle:剧情介绍

西虹影视为您提供1949年由未知 主演,George Blair 导演的《Daughter of the Jungle》电影在线观看,《Daughter of the Jungle》百度云网盘资源以及《Daughter of the Jungle》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Daughter of the Jungle》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:An airplane, carrying policeman and gangsters, crash-lands in a jungle, where they discover a white girl and her father, lost twelve years previously in another plane crash. The father and daughter are living quietly with the natives but are eager to get back to civilization, since the girl has a large estate and fortune she can claim. She makes a deal with the pilot to return for her after she has shown him how to escape by the river. A tribal medicine-man and the head gangster attempt to prevent the pilot's escape.
