Mea Achuz(2019)

又名:One Hundred Percent





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西虹影视为您提供2019年由未知 主演,未知 导演的《Mea Achuz》/又名《One Hundred Percent》电影在线观看,《Mea Achuz》百度云网盘资源以及《Mea Achuz》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Mea Achuz》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:The village of Beit Jann in the mountains of the Galilee holds the highest record of high school graduates in Israel, and possibly in the world. While the school only held a 12% graduation rate up to a few years ago, it has now climbed to 100%. Beit Jann inhabits a population of 12,000 Druze, an Arabic speaking ethnic group scattered around Israel, Lebanon, and Syria, suffering from systematic discrimination. But is the goal worth the extreme measures being taken? Do the students possess a real chance for a better future? And what will be the place of Druze tradition in light of the liberal values the school is promoting? This is the story of a closed society trying to find its way in a changing reality.
