花生酱猎鹰The Peanut Butter Falcon(2019)

又名:迷途花生酱(港) / 花生酱猎鹰的愿望(台)

上映日期:2019-03-09(西南偏南电影节) / 2019-08-09(美国)片长:97分钟

主演:希亚·拉博夫 达科塔·约翰逊 扎克·高察根 约翰·浩克斯  

导演:泰勒·尼尔森 迈克·舒瓦茨 编剧:泰勒·尼尔森 Tyler Nilson/迈克·舒瓦茨 Mike Schwartz





日期 资源名称
2024-01-31 kuvun.org.the peanut butter falcon (2019) 1080p bl
2024-01-31 kuvun.org.the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.1080p.blur
2022-12-06 the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.1080p.bluray.dts.x26
2022-11-21 the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.bluray.1080p.dts-hdm
2022-03-06 the.peanut.butter.falcon - in.viaggio.verso.un.sog
2021-07-10 花生酱猎鹰.the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.bd1080p.x264.a
2021-05-18 花生酱猎鹰.2019.bd1080p.中英双字.mp4
2020-12-01 花生酱猎鹰.bd1080p.英语中字.mp4
2019-12-05 the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.1080p.mkv
2019-11-20 蓝光原盘 7.1 gb the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.bluray.1
2019-11-08 the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.1080p.bluray.x264.dt
2019-11-05 1080p 7.7 gb xiepp.ccn.2019.1080p.bluray.x264-dron
2019-11-05 花生酱猎鹰(蓝光中英双字幕).the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.bd-10
2019-11-04 1080p 7.7 gb the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.1080p.b
2019-11-03 The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.1080p.BluRay.H264.AA
2019-11-03 The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 1080p BluRay 1400MB
2019-11-03 The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 1080p BluRay x264-DR
2019-11-03 The Peanut Butter Falcon 2019 1080p BluRay x264-DR
日期 资源名称
2022-02-24 the.peanut.butter.falcon.2019.bluray.1080p.dts-hd.
2019-11-08 The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.1080p.BluRay.REMUX.A
2019-11-08 The.Peanut.Butter.Falcon.2019.1080p.BluRay.AVC.DTS


西虹影视为您提供2019年由希亚·拉博夫 达科塔·约翰逊 扎克·高察根 约翰·浩克斯 托马斯·哈登·丘奇 布鲁斯·邓恩 乔·博恩瑟 杰克·罗伯茨 米克·弗利 Yelawolf Raquel Aurora Michael Berthold Deja Dee Wayne Dehart Karen B. Greer 主演,泰勒·尼尔森 迈克·舒瓦茨 导演的《花生酱猎鹰》/原名《The Peanut Butter Falcon》/又名《迷途花生酱(港) / 花生酱猎鹰的愿望(台)》电影在线观看,《花生酱猎鹰》百度云网盘资源以及《花生酱猎鹰》高清mp4迅雷下载,《花生酱猎鹰》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

无亲无故的扎克(扎克·高察根 Zack Gottsagen 饰)是一名唐氏综合症患者,政府不得不将他安置到了一家养老院中,在这里,善良的扎克非常讨人喜欢,与此同时,他亦和在这里工作的名叫爱丽诺(达科塔·约翰逊 Dakota Johnson 饰)的护工之间结下了深厚的友谊。   扎克是一个摔角迷,每天,他都要看一段摔跤比赛的录像,这段录像是由一个化名“咸水乡巴人”的人录制的。扎克的人生理想就是能够前往录像中所记录的摔跤学校。在室友卡尔(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)的建议下,扎克开始尝试“越狱”,并且最终成功,就这样,他踏上了圆梦之旅。
Plot Summary:The Peanut Butter Falcon is an adventure story set in the world of a modern Mark Twain that begins when Zak (22), a young man with Down syndrome, runs away from the nursing home where he lives to chase his dream of becoming a professional wrestler by attending the wrestling school The Salt Water Redneck. Through circumstances beyond their control Tyler (32), a small-time outlaw on the run, becomes Zak's unlikely coach and ally. Together they wind through deltas, elude capture, drink whisky, find God, catch fish, and convince Eleanor (28), a kind nursing home employee with a story of her own, to join them on their journey.


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