别和日本人谈性This World: No Sex Please, We're Japanese(2013)



导演:John Holdsworth 








西虹影视为您提供2013年由未知 主演,John Holdsworth 导演的《别和日本人谈性》/原名《This World: No Sex Please, We're Japanese》电影在线观看,《别和日本人谈性》百度云网盘资源以及《别和日本人谈性》高清mp4迅雷下载,《别和日本人谈性》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:While the global population keeps growing, Japan is facing a very different future which could see their population shrink by a third in just 40 years. One reason is that the Japanese are having fewer babies. The first of three programmes exploring global population trends for the award-winning This World strand, No Sex Please, We're Japanese investigates the causes behind Japan's baby shortage and how it could have serious economic consequences for the future of the country. As part of a journey across Japan to find out why men and women are drifting apart and having far less sex than most other nations, Anita Rani explores the Otaku culture - a world of nerds and geeks obsessed with computer games and Manga cartoons - which has led many Japanese men to withdraw from the whole dating game. She meets two men in their late thirties who have been dating virtual teenage girlfriends for years as part of a role playing game. Worlds apart from the fantasy girls of the Otaku culture, Anita also meets working professional women who struggle to work and have children in a society still dominated by traditional gender roles. Low birth rates, combined with longer life expectancy, is inevitably leaving Japan with an old and rapidly aging population. Already a quarter of Japanese people are over 65 - and 50,000 are over a 100 years old. Anita visits a group of cheerleading pensioners and a prison with a wing especially designed for pensioners and looks at how the population trends in the country add to a debt problem worse than that of Greece and an uncertain future for a country that still is the third largest economy in the world.


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  • 蒜子

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    No sex please, We are Japanese .西方记者真是标题党,其实说的是少子化问题,和sex没几毛钱关系。另外西方人拍东方社会问题相关的纪录片时,总带着一种自上而下的傲慢,这点观...
  • 泥土

    泥土 • 吐槽主持人!

    很好展示了文化对婚姻,人口,经济的巨大影响。 评分是怎么搞的,这么傲娇?是来看性教育影片的么? 片子很深刻,让我看到了社会文化的巨大虫子在蠕动。 除了主持人! 主持人对御宅族态度极为恶劣,让我想骂她。...
