ZombieWestern: It Came from the West(2007)

又名:It Came from the West


主演:Tor Fruergaard Niels-Peter Hen 

导演:Tor Fruergaard 


ZombieWestern: It Came from the West:在线播放


ZombieWestern: It Came from the West:最新迅雷BT资源


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ZombieWestern: It Came from the West:剧情介绍

西虹影视为您提供2007年由Tor Fruergaard Niels-Peter Henriksen Kim Jeppesen Carsten Reinholdt Dan Russell Jesper Soelberg 主演,Tor Fruergaard 导演的《ZombieWestern: It Came from the West》/又名《It Came from the West》电影在线观看,《ZombieWestern: It Came from the West》百度云网盘资源以及《ZombieWestern: It Came from the West》高清mp4迅雷下载,《ZombieWestern: It Came from the West》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Virgil lives alone with his bully father and a mute bartender and he is being mocked by the two tough cowboys Eddie and Hank. Because of The Dark Butcher who has been terrorizing the local Indian tribe, the Indians see no other way, than bringing the dead to live by performing The Forbidden Rituals. When the Zombies suddenly attack the saloon, action begins and true characters are brought to daylight. And who is The Dark Butcher?
