蓝胡子Barbe Bleue(2009)

又名:凯萨琳布蕾雅之蓝胡子(台) / Bluebeard / Blue Beard


主演:达芬妮·百维 Lola Creton Dominique T 

导演:凯瑟琳·布雷亚 编剧:Catherine Breillat


《蓝胡子》(2009)原名《Barbe Bleue》字幕下载 / 又名《凯萨琳布蕾雅之蓝胡子(台) / Bluebeard / Blue Beard》中文字幕下载

In France in the mid-'50s, Catherine (Marilou Lopes-Benites) enjoys toying with her older sister, Marie-Anne (Lola Giovannetti), by reading her the story of the murderous and oft-married Bluebeard, embellishing the story with plenty of gore and scaring the girl out of her wits. As Catherine rereads the story, we're taken back to the year 1697, as Lord Bluebeard (Dominique Thomas) prepares to make Marie-Catherine (Lola Créton) his seventh wife. Marie-Catherine's youth and innocence make her an especially attractive quarry to Bluebeard, and rather than murder her right away, he decides to wait a while in order to savor the terrible joy of claiming her life. However, as Bluebeard becomes caught in a cycle of events that keep him from following through on his wife's murder, the two slowly become something like a normal couple and Marie-Catherine begins to turn the tables on her spouse.


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 蓝胡子.Barber.Bleue.2009.字幕by晴柒.srt
2019-05-12 蓝胡子.Barber.Bleue.2009.字幕by晴柒.srt
