
又名:老师!、、、我可以喜欢你吗?(港) / 先生!我可以喜欢你吗(台)


主演:生田斗真 广濑铃 龙星凉 森川葵 伊藤健太郎 中村伦也 比嘉 

导演:三木孝浩 编剧:河原和音 Kazune Kawahara/冈田麿里 Mari Okada


《老师!我可以喜欢你吗?》(2017)原名《先生!、、、好きになってもいいですか?》字幕下载 / 又名《老师!、、、我可以喜欢你吗?(港) / 先生!我可以喜欢你吗(台)》中文字幕下载

Hibiki is an awkward, 17-year-old high school sophomore who hasn't known romance. But she's about to fall in love for the very first time. With whom? A man who isn't great with words, but compassionate about his students. It's her history teacher, Mr. Ito. "Is it okay if I fall for you?" Hibiki asks. "I'm afraid I can't return those feelings," is Ito's reply. Hibiki's first love crashes before takeoff. But it doesn't matter. "Still I want to cherish my crush anyway." A teacher's heart begins to turn by a student's pure love.

