航海王:狂热行动ONE PIECE STAMPEDE(2019)

又名:航海王:夺宝争霸战(台) / 海贼王:狂热行动

上映日期:2019-10-18(中国大陆) / 2019-08-09(日本)片长:101

主演:田中真弓 冈村明美 中井和哉 山口胜平 平田广明 大谷育江  

导演:大塚隆史 编剧:尾田荣一郎 Eiichiro Oda/大塚隆史 Takashi Otsuka/富冈淳广 Atsuhiro Tomioka


《航海王:狂热行动》(2019)原名《ONE PIECE STAMPEDE》字幕下载 / 又名《航海王:夺宝争霸战(台) / 海贼王:狂热行动》中文字幕下载

Follow the strawhats as they get invited to the large event known as pirate expo! All star pirates are gathered in the pirate expo, the marines decide to interfere, what conspires in this event? A One Piece spin off movie.

