圣斗士星矢: 天界篇序奏 - Overture聖闘士星矢: 天界編序奏 ~Overture~(2004)

又名:Saint Seiya: The Heaven Chapter - Overture


主演:古谷彻 铃置洋孝 堀川亮 桥本晃一 堀秀行 潘惠子 绿川光  

导演:山内重保 编剧:横手美智子 Michiko Yokote/大和屋晓 Akatsuki Yamatoya/车田正美 Masami Kurumada


《圣斗士星矢: 天界篇序奏 - Overture》(2004)原名《聖闘士星矢: 天界編序奏 ~Overture~》字幕下载 / 又名《Saint Seiya: The Heaven Chapter - Overture》中文字幕下载

Hades is defeated and Seiya can't wake up from the wounds of that battle, Saori is taking care of him away from the city; meanwhile Artemis comes to earth and claims the lifes of bronze saints for killing a God.

圣斗士星矢: 天界篇序奏 - Overture:最新字幕下载资源

日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 Saint.Seiya.Movie.5.The.Heaven.Chapter.Overture.20
2021-05-21 圣斗士星矢剧场版 天界篇序章 [Saint Seiya Movie 5 Tenkai-hen] (M
2019-05-12 Saint.Seiya.Movie.5.The.Heaven.Chapter.Overture.20
2019-05-12 圣斗士星矢剧场版 天界篇序章 [Saint Seiya Movie 5 Tenkai-hen] (M
