远古入侵 第五季Primeval(2011)

主演:希亚兰·麦克蒙纳敏 安德鲁·李·波兹 汉娜 ·斯皮尔里特 

导演:Tim Haines 编剧:Tim Haines


《远古入侵 第五季》(2011)原名《Primeval》字幕下载

The team is called out when a giant,subterranean insect surfaces to drag victims to its nest - including Connor though Matt manages to save him. Connor is recruited by Burton to his New Dawn project,supposedly to harness energy from anomalies and he is given a glamorous,if mysterious helper,April,who stresses the top secret nature of the scheme. After Abby has caught Matt hacking into Connor's computer she learns that he is a visitor from a very bleak future,sent by Gideon to save the world and that Burton is merely using Connor for his own ends.

远古入侵 第五季:最新字幕下载资源

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Primeval.S05.720p.BluRay.X264-AVCHD
