The Lie of Nina Petrovna(1937)

又名:Le mensonge de Nina Petrovna


主演:费尔南·格拉韦 伊莎·米兰达 艾梅·克拉里翁 安妮·韦尔奈  

导演:维克多·图尔贾斯基 编剧:T.H. Robert


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Nina Petrovna is a striking Russian beauty coming to Vienna as a mistress of Baron Engrem (Clariond), who is a wealthy and mature man. In Vienna she meets young and handsome Lt. Franz Korff (Gravet) and they fall in love with each other. Baron challenges Korff, but Nina returns to Baron to prevent the duel between her two lovers. She saves the lives of two men, albeit her own life becomes meaningless without her passionate lover.

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