海啸之后Tsunami: The Aftermath(2006)

又名:南亞海嘯: 傷痛過後


主演:切瓦特·埃加福 蒂姆·罗斯 苏菲·奥康内多 托妮·科莱特 

导演:贝瑞特·奈鲁利 编剧:艾比·摩根 Abi Morgan


《海啸之后》(2006)原名《Tsunami: The Aftermath》字幕下载 / 又名《南亞海嘯: 傷痛過後》中文字幕下载

A tale of personal loss, survival and hope, TSUNAMI, THE AFTERMATH follows a group of fictional characters whose lives are irrevocably transformed by the cataclysmic natural disaster. Among those whose stories are followed are: a young couple searching for their child; a Thai survivor who loses his family and tries to prevent developers from seizing the land his village is built on; an Englishwoman whose husband and son are missing; an ambitious reporter; a relief worker; an overwhelmed British official whose faith in the system is torn apart; and a leading Thai meteorologist, whose earlier report detailing the inevitability of a tsunami hitting the affected area was ignored.


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