最后的食人族世界Ultimo mondo cannibale(1977)

又名:Last Cannibal World / Jungle Holocaust(蓝光资源名)


主演:Massimo Foschi Me Me Lai Ivan  

导演:Ruggero Deodato 


《最后的食人族世界》(1977)原名《Ultimo mondo cannibale》字幕下载 / 又名《Last Cannibal World / Jungle Holocaust(蓝光资源名)》中文字幕下载

A plane crashes in the jungle. One of the survivors gets lost and while trying to find a way out of the jungle he gets captured by cannibals. He is humiliated, stripped naked, and thrown in a hole with a bird for a while. Eventually, he escapes with the help of a cannibal girl and tries to find his plane so he can go home.

