
又名:标化女王 / 标化人生

主演:吴谨言 殷桃 何润东 左小青 刘敏涛 洪尧 章涛 张楠 王秀 

导演:牟晓杰 编剧:陈岚 Lan Chen


《正青春》(2021)字幕下载 / 又名《标化女王 / 标化人生》中文字幕下载

The performance of the international cosmetic company SW Greater China is booming, but the general manager Shu Yuting is facing a serious \"replacement\" crisis: the \"backing\" boss who has been sheltering her is about to retire, and her own hand-picked deputy is the director of East China, Lin Rui. The momentum has caught the attention of the headquarters and has become the biggest threat to replace her. In order to win the opportunity, Shu Yuting transferred Fang Jing, who is the same director from South China, to balance Lin Rui.


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