哈萨克汗国:不败之剑Қазақ Хандығы: Алмас Қылыш(2017)

又名:钻石宝剑 / the Diamond Sword / Kazakh Khanate: Almas Kylysh / Казак Хандыгы: Алмас Кылыш


主演:Kayrat Kemalo 多斯卡汗·索沙季诺夫 

导演:鲁斯坦·阿卜杜拉舍夫 编剧:萨马古力·叶鲁拜/伊利亚斯·叶森贝尔林


《哈萨克汗国:不败之剑》(2017)原名《Қазақ Хандығы: Алмас Қылыш》字幕下载 / 又名《钻石宝剑 / the Diamond Sword / Kazakh Khanate: Almas Kylysh / Казак Хандыгы: Алмас Кылыш》中文字幕下载

Diamond Sword is a large-scale historical drama of first Kazakh Khans, which BBC called "Kazakh Game Of Thrones". The action takes place in the XV century, and the plot demonstrates the key events in formation of Kazakh statehood under the leadership of Khans Zhanibek and Kerey.


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