电影改编自《华尔街日报》战地记者丹尼尔•珀尔的妻子所写的回忆录。丹尼尔(丹·福特曼 Dan Futterman饰)前往巴基斯坦调查报道一桩恐怖分子的新闻,却不幸遭到绑架,不久后惨遭杀害。妻子玛林娜(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie饰)却一直在祈求丈夫能平安归来,寻找丈夫的信念一直支撑着这个已有着身孕的准妈妈。 她坚毅地书写回忆录,里面布满着和丹尼尔相识相知的点滴,更令丹尼尔的新闻理想和奔赴真相的勇气跃然纸上,她要让孩子知道,自己的父亲,曾经是一个称职的新闻人。玛琳娜终于能够坚强而平静的接受丈夫的遇害,同时,她不仅要让孩子远离种族仇恨和战争烟尘,还回到法国继续自己的事业,抚养孩子长大成人。On January 23, 2002, Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl is to fly from Karachi to Dubai with his pregnant wife, Mariane, also a reporter. On the day before, with great care, he has arranged an interview in a café with an Islamic fundamentalist cleric. When Danny doesn't return, Mariane initiates a search. Pakistani police, American embassy personnel, and the FBI examine witnesses, phone records, e-mails, and hard drives. Who has him? Where is he? There's also the why: because of U.S. abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo, because of a history of Journal cooperation with the CIA, because Pearl is a Jew? Through it all, Mariane is clearheaded, direct, and determined.