距今二十年前,神秘而凶残的岬童夷制造了轰动全国的连环杀人案,虽然韩国出动大批警力展开铺天盖地的搜查,但是凶手却始终未能抓捕归案,幽灵般的岬童夷在无数人的心头留下难以愈合的伤痕。日炭警署重案组警长河无念(尹相铉 饰),当年他的父亲被作为嫌疑人遭到粗鲁调查,满怀仇恨的他发誓要亲手抓住岬童夷。与此同时,当年该案的负责警官杨铁坤(成东日 饰)放弃升迁的机会,主动要求调往日炭,却和河无念展开激烈的碰撞与冲突。许是为了回应警方的昂扬斗志,沉寂十七年之久的岬童夷再度作案。随着连环杀人案唯一的幸存者吴玛莉亚(金敏贞 饰)走入警方和凶手视线,沉疴已久的岬童夷案即将迎来决断的时刻…… 本片根据韩国始终未侦破的“华城连环杀人案”改编,该事件曾被拍成电影《杀人回忆》搬上银幕。Ha Mu Yeon's father killed himself after becoming a suspect in the case of the Iltan killer, also known as Gap Dong. After the statue of limitations is up on the case, the original detective returns to continue his investigation. However, Moo-Yeom is now a detective and works to capture Gap Dong as well, refusing to believe that Gap Dong is dead. New evidence for Gap Dong appears in front of Moo-Yeom and he sets out to catch him once and for all.