影片改编自杰森·罗伯特·布朗2002年的同名音乐剧。男主角杰米(《名声大噪》男星杰瑞米·乔登饰)邂逅了女主角凯西(肯德里克饰),彼时,他是初出茅庐的作家,她是前途光明的演员,两人坠入爱河,步入婚姻殿堂,度过一段快乐时光。 随后杰米的第一本书便大获成功,写作事业从此蒸蒸日上;而凯西却一直在俄亥俄州的小剧场默默表演,始终未能等到成名的机会。两人一度美满的婚姻也因此触礁,相爱五年,悲剧收场。The Last 5 Years by Tony award winning composer and lyricist Jason Robert Brown is a musical deconstruction of a love affair and a marriage taking place over a five year period. Jamie Wellerstein is a young, talented up and coming Jewish novelist who falls in love with Cathy Hiatt, a Shiksa Goddess struggling actress. Their story is told almost entirely through songs using an intercutting time line device; all of Cathy's songs begin at the end of their marriage and move backwards in time to the beginning of their love affair while Jamie's songs start at the beginning of their affair and move forward to the end of their marriage. They meet in the center when Jamie proposes.