在蒂华纳、拉斐尔和莉迪亚工作了一辈子之后,他们的权利和尊严受到不公正的侵害:拉斐尔知道,由于文书工作错误,他将无权领取退休金。至于莉迪亚,她发现她的雇主会把全部传家宝留给狗。以他们自己的方式,单独和无声地,他们将开始一场战斗。After a whole life of work at Tijuana, Rafael and Lidia are victims of injustice against their rights and dignity: Rafael learns that due to a paperwork mistake, he will not be entitled to his retirement pension. As for Lidia, she finds out that her employer's will leave the entire heirloom to the dog. In their own way, alone and silently, they'll begin a battle: Rafael against a company, Lidia against a dog. Curiously, these struggles are not visible.