1587年,一百多名英国人远渡重洋来到美洲罗阿诺克岛,准备搜刮当地土著,在此建立殖民地。然而他们却发现先期到来的人马全部离奇死亡。尚未容这群男女从旅途中的疲惫中解脱,恐怖便随之而来,一些人开始失去踪影。 殖民者长官约翰•怀特(Alex McArthur 饰)即将返回英国报告这里的情况,临行前他任命女婿安德诺斯(Adrian Paul 饰)为殖民者的首领。巡逻的士兵一个接一个死去,安德诺斯请教土著王,得知他们触怒了森林中的邪恶魔鬼。恐怖死亡接二连三发生,活命的办法唯有逃离此地……English colonists arriving on Roanoke Island in 1587 find the fort built years before deserted. Soon after members of the colony begin to die in horrible ways. Leader Before returning to England for provisions, John White puts his son-in-law Ananais Dare in charge, and Dare realizes the island is haunted by Norse spirits. Enlisting the aid of a friendly Native American, Dare attempts to free the spirits from their earthly captivity before the entire colony is lost.