風箏遙遙一線牽,線長線短牽動阿富汗國運高低幾回, 亦牽絆酷愛紙鳶的阿里安一生起跌。昔日繁盛教育普及,小孩的風箏高飛藍天,承載着阿里安對未來的嚮往和憧憬。蘇聯入侵,塔利班上場,一聲禁令風箏斷線,阿里安的自由夢想隨之墜落。在月光黯淡之夜,父女倆偷偷讓紙鳶再次在天空飛舞,不料竟招致殺身之禍。與《追風箏的孩子》(2007)一脈相承卻又大異其趣,以風箏共白雲飛的夢幻想像,對抗極權統治下的威嚇恐懼。春風縱無憑據,唯留希望於碧海青天。
Plot Summary:Arian loves kites but a changing Afghanistan stands in his way. When the Taliban take power and ban kite flying, he all but gives up on his passion. However, to give his daughter Seema a sense of childhood that he once had, Arian risks his life to find and fly kites.