20世纪初,动画片也开始出现。在爱迪生实验室工作的英国移民布雷克顿用粉笔素描雪茄和瓶子,拍摄了被称为“把戏电影”(trick film)的《奇幻的图画》(The Enchanted Drawing)。1906年,他又制作了《滑稽脸的幽默相》(The Humorous phases of Funny Faces)。这部影片被公认是世界上第一部动画影片。1907年,他将动画技巧运用到影片《鬼店》 (Haunted Hotel)上,轰动一时。但当时人们并没有意识到动画片的艺术价值,布雷克顿的注意力也在这之后投到了其他方面,没有在动画业上继续发展。
Plot Summary:An easel holds a sketch pad upon which Blackton draws a cartoonish face of a man. He makes the cartoon react by giving it wine, cigars, and a top hat. Objects magically go into the drawing--becoming part of the cartoon image, and out of the drawing--becoming physical objects again.