Plot Summary:"Two Stupid Dogs" follows the lives of two dogs: the overly excited Little Dog (the dachshund) and easy-paced Big Dog (the sheepdog). These crazy canines don't know how to fit in the world, and they definitely don't have any know-how. They often find themselves in commonplace situations (going to the drive-in, walking through the mall, working on the farm), some not so common situations (stuck on a space shuttle, a contestant on a game show, getting mistaken for the prime minister) and even in some familiar situations (little red riding hood, Noah's ark, and Hanzel and Gretel). But no matter the situation, their stupidity usually leads them to calamitous results.
马人人 • 我在想是不是只有武汉人看过这个电视剧啊。。。
因为豆瓣提示的,喜欢看这部电影的人还喜欢去的群组。。。除了几个动画片之外都是武汉人的群呢。。。 另外。。。这两只狗是什么品种啊? 腊肠跟古牧?...安你个大头鬼 • 骨头!骨头
很喜欢他们啊^_^ 老记得小狗看见骨头就会不停的说,骨头!骨头!那音调~~~哈哈,太有意思了,现在我一说“骨头”就这调调了。 还记得——短路那集,也挺有意思的,明明不知道路,还一个劲儿的带路,口里...