Plot Summary:Means white cross from German, the series consist in 4 assassins "Aya, Yoji, Ken, and Omi", which one has an unique way of fighting, Aya - katana, Yoji - strings, ken - metal claws, omi - projectiles, they belong to the group Weiß (white) commanded by an mysterious person called "persia" which send them into missions "drug rings, terrorist factions, and the like". As the story roles they find somehow that the ones they fought are connected to an important and prominent clan, the takatori family. They will fight against it to put and end once and for all to this notorious Japanese clan.
多年前没看完又回来补 打不死的各种小强最后被很弱的招数干掉这是哪个编剧才想出来的? aya终于最后一集领便当了 有点儿意外
为了那狗血的结局我只给三星 曾经的YY作。。。