Plot Summary:At a December 7, 1941 Washington cocktail party, Connie Mathew is not amused by the romantic advances of playboy Tommy Aldrich, son of an important Navy consultant. The party is shocked by the news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Connie blithely announces she would like to serve Uncle Sam as a new version of Mata Hari. She finds Mr. Fortune waiting for her when she gets home and he introduces himself as a member of the Secret Service and asks her to join his staff. Thinking it is a practical joke by Tommy, she accepts. Fortune tells Connie her first assignment is to get friendly with Tommy, as the government suspects him of selling convoy information that he gets from his father to enemy agents. She does so, falls in love with him and finds out he is 100% loyal. Mr. Fortune takes Connie and Tommy captive. Connie's sister, Agatha, had earlier suspected Mr. Fortune and she was taken prisoner by his Axis spies.
《乱世佳人》在 1941 年 12 月 7 日的华盛顿鸡尾酒会上,一位重要海军顾问的儿子花花公子汤米·奥尔德里奇 (Tommy Aldrich) 的浪漫进步并没有逗乐康妮·马修 (Connie Mathew)。日本偷袭珍珠港的消息震惊了全党,康妮高兴地宣布她想以新版本的玛塔·哈里 (Mata Hari) 的身份为山姆大叔服务。当她回到家时,她发现财富先生在等她,他介绍自己是特勤局的成员,并邀请她加入他的工作人员。