Plot Summary:Jonas Wilde, a British secret service agent licensed to kill, returns from a successful mission determined to resign. Canning, his London superior, agrees to forward his resignation if Wilde eliminates a Czechoslovakian scientist defector now being held by the Americans. With the help of a housekeeper, Rhoda Gooderich, Wilde kills the scientist but is himself captured and interrogated by CIA agent Lucinda. After Lucinda tells Wilde that someone in his organization is causing fellow British agents to be killed by mistake, Wilde escapes to look for Canning, who mysteriously has disappeared. Accompanied by Canning's wife, Barbara, Wilde heads for the leader's base in the Channel Islands and learns from Stern, a fellow agent, that still another member of their unit, Peter Ravenspur, has been murdered.
60年代諜報片熱潮的跟風作,不過沒有任何機關道具或動作場面,而且劇情也相當正經八百(即使有點複雜過頭)。曾是007人選的Richard Johnson在本片飾演一名想要退出江湖的殺手,絕招是空手擊殺,整部戲堅持不使用槍,真是太有性格了。