Plot Summary:Depicts a man who gets into a motorcycle accident, his wife Mei, younger sister, and mother. It also tells the story of Ying, a young woman, who is murdered in their home, policeman Jing who is investigating the case, and his wife Yin, who is having an affair with a fellow policeman. They are all connected. The more Jing tries to solve the case, the more cryptic their relationship becomes, and past memories come to light.
ronan0153 • 独立加实验
其实这是一部独立加实验电影。晚上看的话,效果会更好一些。那种血迹斑斑的墙配上不协调的音乐,内心的压力要大一些。 其实,我没有怎么看懂。警察遇到了8年前与自己的亲身经历相同的事情,是这样吧?都...