Plot Summary:Fang Sir, nearly seventy years old, has been drifting in the Chinese suburbs in New York for thirty years. Back in Taiwan, he was a rising star in the film world. Here in New York, he is a lonely old-timer tortured by life. Feeling that old age should burn and rave at close of day, Fang Sir is determined to remake his award-winning film. Helped by a group of young filmmakers, Fang Sir is on his way to dream, again.
风里刀 • 激发片场ptsd的纪录片:台湾老人和他几十年后的纽约新片场
其实没想写长评,不过蛮喜欢的,一写字数就多了,短评放不下了。 方sir很真实,纽约很真实,纽约的电影人也很真实,全华裔的纽约电影人剧组也很真实。 简直梦回纽约拍片现场,激发片场ptsd的纪录片(开玩笑...