Plot Summary:Three boys, Kotarou, a ninja in training, Rikiya, a training baseball player and Yousuke, a studying scholar were living normal lives in Blue Sky City. One day, Kotarou along with his father Toubei accidentally broke the seal that links the Demon World from the Human World. Until Eldoran, the spirit of light in the Demon World appeared in front of Kotarou, Rikiya and Yousuke along with three strange machines. They were appointed to save the world from destruction as the Gambaruger Team and use the robot Ganbaruger. After their first victory against the demons, Yamino Ryusei put a curse on Kotarou's dad, turning him into a dog. He did the same to the three boys but it didn't work. Except if Kotarou, Rikiya and Yousuke revealed their identities, they will turn into dogs. Now, the three of them needs to save the world from the Demon Empire at the same time, keeping their identities as the Ganbaruger Team low. Koutarou's father is trying to train his son in the art of the ninja, but a miss-hit bomb accidentally damages a shrine and releases a great demon that Eldoran had been keeping contained. Eldoran manages to contain him, but one of his servants manages to escape as well, and now attempts to free his master. To stop him, Eldoran grants the three mecha Gotiger, King Elephan, and Mach Eagle to Koutarou and his two friends, as well as suits that grant each of them a special power. Miracle Ninja Ganbare Team is born. It was the Second Part of the Eldran series since Raijin-Oh first aired in 1991
元气爆发!可发出xxx.... 谁还记得怎么唱啊 @_@