Plot Summary:In 1967 Buenos Aires, eight year old Valentín lives alone with his poor widowed paternal grandmother. He has not seen his mother since he was three. His grandmother tells him that his mother was unfaithful to his father. Regardless, Valentín still misses her. His womanizing father, Vincente, is on the most part absent as a traveling salesman, he who seems more concerned about his own fortunes than sending money home to take care of his mother and son. Valentín has dreams like most young boys, his primary one being to become an astronaut. He believes the work that he does building rocket models and space suits will assist the NASA space program, and he does whatever he can, such as walk around in heavy shoes to simulate zero gravity and hold his breath underwater, in his pursuit of becoming an astronaut, despite being slightly cross-eyed and near-sighted, which he believes will not hinder his chances. But without really realizing it, he wants more than anything to be part of a nuclear family, with his father at home and for his father to marry a pretty young woman he can call his mother. He believes Vincente's latest girlfriend, Leticia, is that woman. In the absence of a constant male influence at home, Valentín searches those out, whether it being his Uncle Chiche who is visiting from Ushuaia, or Rufo, the bohemian pianist who lives next door. Valentín tries to solve what he sees as the problems in his life to varying degrees of success, and comes to some new understandings which reconciles what he has been inadvertently told in the past and what he now sees in life.
AbrahamCo • Valentin——看完的随感&一些喜欢的台词(因为短评写不下了...)
一个渴望完整家庭和母亲的小正太Valentin的故事。好喜欢这部电影的bgm,叮叮咚咚的感觉像在听雨打在平面上一样。这个电影里的大部分故事都好悲伤,但拍得又让我感觉没那么悲伤,甚至有点治愈。对这种有大...吉祥鹿 • Sensible pero no frágil
Lo más impresionante no es su sueño, aunque su sueño es una parte muy interesante para añadir algo a...allright • who wouldn't love you, sweetie?
这是一个发生在阿根廷的故事。是导出《the lake house》的导演的另一部作品,类型:儿童片,请不要被这香艳的海报所迷惑。 大人们如何面对孩子的世界?当他们长相甜美,举止充满教养,这样的孩子个个...rosy ash • Valentín!
他想成为宇航员,可是他的眼睛不合格:( 小鬼头顶着大眼镜和奶奶唠家常,他是奶奶的倾诉对象。。。他撮合了孤单好心肠的邻居和善良的姑娘。。。小小的瓦伦蒂有远大的很难实现的理想! ...