Plot Summary:FILIAL PARTY revolves around a reality TV game show titled "FILIAL PARTY" which takes the nation by storm with its $1-million prize money pledged for the winner who portrays exceptional filial piety on TV. Mark Lee plays the host/producer of the TV game show; Christopher Lee, Ann Kok and Hayley Woo are the three finalists vying for the coveted cash prize.
原子笔 • 孝顺做不到,那就做到体谅
亲情一直是我的罩门。可能因为27年的时间内,我也只有朋友和家人,所以心目中的顺位自然就是:亲情、友情、爱情。 两年前,父亲便血,去医院检查,得出直肠癌晚期。在经历了两年的化疗,病痛的折磨,形体的消陨...