Plot Summary:The Munim (Clerk) in Ranimaa's family lives with his son, Kaushal and daughter, Madhavi. After he passes away, Ranimaa brings up both children as her own, along with her only son, Rajesh. Years later, Rajesh has grown up and is of marriageable age. He meets with beautiful Bhanu Saxena and both fall in love with each other. Shortly thereafter, in a boating accident, Kaushal passes away, leaving behind a devastated Madhavi, Rajesh, who blames himself for his death, and Ranimaa. A few months later, Rajesh gets married to Bhanu and she moves in with them. Bhanu dislikes Madhavi and would like her out of the way, she goes to the extent of accusing her of having an affair with her husband. Under pressure, Madhavi goes to kill herself, and is rescued by a young man named Moti. Rajesh likes Moti and would like him to marry Madhavi, to which he agrees. After the marriage, Madhavi bids adieu to Ranimaa, and Rajesh, and moves in with Moti. What Madhavi does not know that Moti had an agenda and an ulterior motive for marrying her, and it looks like she has been dumped from the frying pan into the fire.
剧情太智障了,编剧让主要角色失了智一样不会好好讲话,强行误会推进剧情。尤其是padmini的角色言行非常迷,再加上她的尬演技。Raaj出来后气场很稳,但很快他角色的爸爸一出来让剧情崩的妈都不认,强行反转,后面就一泻千里。比韩国狗血还厉害。 比较欣慰的是米娜演的太好了,音乐和舞蹈都还不错。海伦也跑来客串