Plot Summary:Su-hyun wants to leave the syndicate and opens a small restaurant. Helping his life-long friend from an orphanage, he gets arrested for a murder that he didn't commit. To catch the real killer, he hurts himself in prison and is transported to the hospital. Sung-woo is a homicide detective. His wife has left him, and his son's life is in jeopardy. He can't afford to pay the hospital bills, not to mention the liver transplant needed to save his son's life. To make matters worse, he gets reprimanded at work for walking out on his undercover post, which led to the death of his partner. Having gotten drunk out of guilt, he creates a scene at the funeral for his late colleague and gets kicked out, only to end up becoming a hostage of a jail breaker, Su-hyun.
小凌小凌 • 生活是有意义的
生活的意义就是,爱人、孩子、理想,和梦。 很久很久没看警匪片或者动作片,本来就是冲着千正明小帅哥看的。开场做得比较土也是情理之中,但是后来跳跃交错的镜头和音乐,就彻底让我嗨了起来~ 捧着寝室里最...水水 • 小野兽一样性感的男主焦
警察不像警察,黑社会不像黑社会,搞乜也搞? 火车撞飞汽车的场面还是不错的,个别打斗暴力的场面也是不错的,女一号是个美女,男一号小野兽一样的寸头也很性感,其余就乏善可陈了。 有些情节太没有说服力了,...pansin • 警匪的新意
警匪片拍出新意真的很难。 义父养大孤儿为自己效命,类似的片子也有几部,包括《杀死比尔》。 被诬陷的贼与警察联手找出真凶的类似情节也屡见不鲜。 不过,仍有些新意仍有些细节处理的相当不错。比如,堕落...