Plot Summary:Yoshiyuki Otomo, a member of a team of commercial spies called Bounty Dog, travels to the moon to investigate the Constans Corporation's "Project Kaguya". There, Yoshiyuki meets a mysterious woman named Ines who seems to know him, and who resembles a woman who died on Earth a year earlier. As Yoshiyuki and the Bounty Dog team fight to learn the secrets of Ines and Project Kaguya, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
3.5 大面积单色调看着累,故事诸多不明不白,多拍几集或许更好。
EVA/攻殼機動隊/機動刑事 這麼多迷人元素的混搭,想不迷人也难 OP過於違和…
2016-04-02 驚人的迷人和殘忍 一些撕扯和蝕骨的動作 一些香港氣味 一些冷清清拂過的只有林原めぐみ能發出的音節 「月は、その日、永遠の眠りについていた」