Plot Summary:"Miss Cast Away" (aka "Island Girl") is a mix of "There's Something About Mary" and "Scary Movie" crosses "Cast Away" with "Miss Congeniality." What happens when a plane-load of beauty contestants, on it's way to the Miss Galaxy Pageant, crash-lands on a deserted island? Pilots, Mike Saunders and Maximus Power learn how to survive with a bevvie of beautiful women -- of which none have ever even gone camping. Soon the castaways discover the ancient Noah's ark on the island. The lost ark is being guarded by an oversized prehistoric pig (Jurassic Pork). Noah is boarding apes (a la Planet of the Apes) and our survivors have got to stop his plan and use the ark to get off the island.
影像警察wip • 新时代准CULT片
新时代准CULT片,甩的伤心哎,我就不细说老噱头太多老,特技也够烂,摆 米高几寻在里头演教皇的特工AGENT M J真是甩翻的老,还有人猿挪亚方舟哎哟什么乱七八糟的饿搞别的片的都有还有侏罗纪大猪还有T...