Plot Summary:HANNA loves YANN and the lettres filmees that he sends her, short, poetic films recorded with an iPhone. Yann loves Hanna, but mistrusts her. He leaves her, but does not leave her alone. His video-letters become a threat and Hanna does not know whom to trust or whether she can still trust herself. MA FOLIE starts as a romantic love-story but gradually turns out to be a complex psychological thriller.
前二十分钟齁甜腻歪到我持续鸡皮疙瘩体温掉了好几度 我:“你们不要再亲了!” ´<_` 后半段写女主如何逐渐敏感神经质,大独角戏多一点;但悬念跟惊悚氛围营造实在一般。前面的朋友总结太对,各种怪话被傻宾故意纤细无骨的嗓音讲出来可太带感了“你马上有一节课但你一定会迟到因为我不会让你去”以及暴雨那段我可以!(ps.男友分手给你寄猎奇小短片这事儿还是有点超出我理解,也就比隔壁发明隐形衣就为吓唬前女友的哥们好一点点