Plot Summary:Yan Shu Yu (Carrie Wong) is a modern day matchmaker who inherited the family business of matchmaking. Unlike her clairvoyant aunt, Shu Yu lacks the talent but still manages to make a name for herself online as \"Lunar\" the matchmaker. TV Producer Kent (Jeffrey Xu) saw the potential in Shu Yu and invites her and her boyfriend Herman to participate in his matchmaking TV show, The Destined One. Just before recording, Shu Yu knocks her head and faints. When she awakes, she sees a red thread between Herman and another female contestant. The next day, she learns that Herman has proposed to the female contestant. Like her aunt, Shu Yu has developed the ability to see a match made in heaven. But there's a curse, she will remain single for the rest of her life. She learned that she can break the curse if she is able to match-make a jinxed person. She finds a jinx in Ding Yi (Lawrence Wong), who can't find a girlfriend because of his strong body odour. Determined to change her own destiny, Shu Yu gives her all to help Ding Yi find the right one, with much hilarity. But as fate will have it, they find themselves falling in love. What will become of these two cursed and jinxed lovers?
真的是综艺戏剧双管齐下走一条线啊~《众里寻一》我也看了~不被人骂死全场做戏就不错了,然而走到剧集里又不得不承认主持人是“本色演出”hor~阿姐出现的场次是EP01(也真的是在录节目)及EP04~郭亮跟大家长一样“管教”她XD说回剧集本身,不得不承认黄思恬还是这一代里最拿得出手的演员了,优秀的华语能力是其他人望尘莫及的基本功,虽然已经开始慢慢变老侧脸硬伤妆也是泛白发光一点也不好看,平日里一张臭脸难以想象要怎么获得观众缘;Mr Ong回归算是吐气扬眉,时至今日在中国获得一点小关注也值得吹嘘硬捧,路究竟能走多长,不是看年龄能改到多小吧(笑)no offense啦~总比在背后发短信嘲讽别人努力得来的成果好多了是吧~总之就是~我都不喜欢~~