Plot Summary:The single's video was directed by Jamie Thraves, who was hand-picked by the band after they saw several of his experimental short films. It was shot near Liverpool Street Station in London, and intersperses footage of Radiohead playing the song inside an apartment with scenes of a middle-aged man (played by Dorian Lough) who lies down in the middle of the pavement just outside the apartment building. People start to gather, thinking that something must be wrong with the man, and the band are shown looking out the window at the events below. A heated (subtitled) conversation between the man and the crowd develops, as the people start demanding to know what the man is doing and why he is lying there. In subtitles, the man finally gives in and says, "Yes I'll tell you, I'll tell why I'm lying here - but God forgive me - and God help us all - because you don't know what you ask of me." The camera zooms in on his mouth as the man finally gives the answer, but the subtitles have now ...