Plot Summary:"Satiemania" is the animation film, where piano music by Erik Satie acts as the connecting link for images of women in love, bored women, the Grand Canyon and Montparnasse, bars, brothels and supermarkets, breasts, butchered beef and boats in the rain. Grotesque and sensual, the film is a long voyage inside the subconscious where the influences of Otto Dix or George Grosz mix with those of underground comics, Reginald Marsh, Covarrubias and Ralph Steadman.
[已注销] • 妖孽横行,醉生梦死
浅色调白地手绘短片 依据Satie的数段曲子分段。 包含大量印象化的,超现实的速写般的卡通动画片段。 第一段是各种走路的人。街上的行人行色匆匆。 强调腿部的夸张表现,尤其是残疾特殊人群,婀娜的女性,...