Plot Summary:Murder and theft, drug dealing and addiction: young lives marked by traumatic stories lead to this Iranian "Correctional and Rehabilitation Centre" for girls. Some of the girls feel more at home in prison than they did with their families. A rare documentary glimpse inside a locked-up world and a respectful portrait of young women struggling to recapture some sense of personal dignity.
女孩们很多故事 光展现她们就已经足够打动人了 只不过导演的采访水平之尬 靠电台dj般的嗓音问what do you think of your future?浅浅拂过 being a god
完成度很高,subject和subject matter本来就很有内容。全场都在哭,此起彼伏的抽泣声,也有人愤怒地中途离场看不下去,但是这就是纪录片啊,直指人性和社会最阴暗的痛点,戳下去。导演反复提到自己有个16岁的女儿,可想而知他在拍摄制作过程中更加煎熬的内心。
screening过后全场掌声雷动,只能说观众太naive。多机位,收音完美,各方面production value都极高,片里的女生在镜头前也无比自然,你指望我相信这是详实的纪录?