Plot Summary:Jim Lane is a test pilot, whose professional life is dangerous, and whose personal life compensates for that danger by fast living and recklessness. As such, he lives from paycheck to paycheck, and is often in debt, but knows his lucrative job will eventually get him out of those debts. On a coast to coast record attempt speed flight, Jim's plane, the Drake Bullet (named after the company's owner), hits some mechanical problems and Jim is forced to make an emergency landing on a farmer's field in Kansas. The farm belongs to the Barton family, whose straight talking daughter, Ann Barton, falls for Jim, and visa versa. They impulsively decide to get married and live in New York. Jim's sidekick and mechanic, "Gunner" Morris, doesn't know if Jim and marriage go hand in hand, both because of the type of person he is and his profession. Ann too soon learns that she plays second fiddle to Jim's work, she referring to the sky as Jim's mistress. Ann also truly comes to understand the dangers of Jim's work, he who is often required to push the planes beyond their physical limits. With each flight, Ann fears that she will become a widow, as she has seen it before with the wives of Jim's colleagues. Can Jim and Ann's marriage survive the many pressures stemming from Jim's life as a test pilot?
看完之后觉得试飞员真的是一个很伟大勇敢的职业。 Tracy在里面是三人行的电灯泡啊,哈哈好可爱,Gable和Loy的相爱很疯狂,但Loy和Tracy都在无时无刻为Gable担心,一直想着三条路,命中注定难逃一死,只能珍惜每一天,看到他在便安心,然后其他时候都如同dead一般,觉得这俩也能配啊。 最后Tracy牺牲了,Gable和Loy两个人都哭了,而Gable最终也放弃了这份危险的事业,选择了当指导员,为了不再让身边人担心。 以前怎么拍的这些飞行画面呢?